You're probably expecting Maddie, right? I'm not the best at reviews, but I'm going to give it a shot. This is an actual legit review like Maddie's! So I hope you enjoy this, and comment if you like it because it would really help!
Here's the review...!
This is an originally British series written by Joseph Delaney (The slightly scary guy above.)
books have 2 names. The Wardstone Chronicles are what British people
would call the series, and the Last Apprentice is what us
Canadians/Americans call it.
Here are the books listed in order from 1-9. The N.A. (North American) title is first, and the British title is second.
1. The Revenge of the Witch/The Spooks's Apprentice
2. The Curse of the Bane/The Spook's Curse
3. Night of the Soul-Stealer/The Spook's Secret
4. Attack of the Fiend/The Spook's Battle
5. Wrath of the Bloodeye/The Spook's Mistake
6. Clash of the Demons/The Spook's Sacrifice
7. Rise of the Huntress/ The Spook's Nightmare
8. Rage of the Fallen/ The Spook's Destiny
9. (N/A) / I am Grimalkin
This book isn't filled with horses and stables (sorry Maddie.) It's so much better! (Uh oh, Maddie's going to hurt me, because I dissed her obsession.) Actually horses are boss, (That was for you David.) and awesome but I am here to review a book filled with things you will never see. No matter how much you beg your parents and steal money from the bank, you will never see the contents of this book in real life (well, except for a movie but that doesn't count.......)
This series revolves around a young boy named Thomas J. Ward. (Obviously, he's the main character, in case you were wondering.) He is a seventh son of a seventh son. He is chosen to become the county's next Spook. His master, John Gregory is the present Spook, and he must train Tom. In each book, there is always a dark force that Tom and the Spook have to fight off. Sometimes they win, and sometimes they lose. (It's repetitive, but still very bloody. *cue maniacal laugh.*) There are so many twists and turns in this book, and something you don't expect always happens.
I would actually rate this book 4/5 because if anyone knows anything about me, its that I love a good horror. (I also think taxidermy is cool, but that's not what I'm getting at.) The only thing is that sometimes the plot gets a bit boring. ( I do get bored very easily, so it may just be me...) I recommend that you try this book, and hopefully you will not be disappointed. Fair warning, it's got blood and very descriptive fighting scenes. (Yay!!!) I'm pretty sure that people who don't like blood shouldn't read this. I don't think a very young kid could/should read this because they're going to get scared and they probably couldn't understand the wording either. (Unless they're a crazy, bloodthirsty genius, like me!)
I recommend this book to people who are almost teenagers, and above. It's also one of those books where you should read it in order, because it would be harder to understand if you don't. I'm sure there isn't anything inappropriate in this book, so it is school safe. (Unless you act out the fighting scenes in front if your teacher, but only a true idiot would do that.)
To be honest, the British titles are actually very boring. It's always The Spook's _____ . (Maybe that's why I always get bored.) Except for the last one, which is called I am Grimalkin. I think that the title 'The Wrath of the Bloodeye' sounds better than 'The Spook's Mistake.' (It's also more captivating. Look it up if you don't know what that means. I bet most of you are on an online dictionary right now.) It just sounds creepier, and the Bloodeye (monster) is actually a bit creepy.
The cover is a different story. The British covers are more ominous. (my opinion.) (I can tell you're going to need that dictionary, so keep it on a new tab, just in case.) I can't describe the cover to you, so scroll down and think about which one looks better...........
Hopefully you take my advice and check out these horrifyingly amazing books. I'll be waiting for the 10th book so I can review on that. So for now.......
Read these books to satisfy your hunger for a good scare. (Yes, I'm talking to you Amelia.) Wait, I'm talking to myself........
Anyways, bye for now,
- ♫ Amelia ♫ (Yep, it's my signature. Jealous?)
It's not an obsession! Also, you have to teach me all of your Techy- secrets! (or at least how to use symbols!)