Hey! Not sure if you noticed, but Amelia and I just changed the blog's name. It was originally bookaholics inc, but we changed inc to ink (get the pun?) So, even after the name changed, the address stayed bookaholicsinc.blogspot.com. We just changed it to boookaholicsink.blogspot.com, so if there is any confusion, sorry, and that is why.
Oh, and it's Maddie!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Hey guys, it's Maddie. I was reading another blog awhile ago, when bookaholics ink first started and we had like, 10 views. The blog was celebrating it's 1 millionth view, and I thought, we'll be lucky to even get to 1 hundred views. So, when I checked the stats again, I had to re-read it, to make sure it was right. We have only been blogging for about a month, and we have...
388 pageviews. You probably don't think that's alot, but to amelia and I, it means the world. So thank you, thank you, thank you, to all the people you followed us, or commented, or even just read our blog. You guys are truly awesome. Don't forget to comment, we absolutely adore hearing from you!
P.S. I know that I haven't posted a review in a while, because I was kind of stuck. But I recently visited the library and checked out, like, every book in the teen section. (which got me some weird looks, cuz I am only 11.) Anyway, that means I'll have some new post for you soon!
388 pageviews. You probably don't think that's alot, but to amelia and I, it means the world. So thank you, thank you, thank you, to all the people you followed us, or commented, or even just read our blog. You guys are truly awesome. Don't forget to comment, we absolutely adore hearing from you!
P.S. I know that I haven't posted a review in a while, because I was kind of stuck. But I recently visited the library and checked out, like, every book in the teen section. (which got me some weird looks, cuz I am only 11.) Anyway, that means I'll have some new post for you soon!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Wardstone Chronicles/The Last Apprentice
Hey, It's Amelia.
You're probably expecting Maddie, right? I'm not the best at reviews, but I'm going to give it a shot. This is an actual legit review like Maddie's! So I hope you enjoy this, and comment if you like it because it would really help!
Here's the review...!
1. The Revenge of the Witch/The Spooks's Apprentice
2. The Curse of the Bane/The Spook's Curse
3. Night of the Soul-Stealer/The Spook's Secret
4. Attack of the Fiend/The Spook's Battle
5. Wrath of the Bloodeye/The Spook's Mistake
6. Clash of the Demons/The Spook's Sacrifice
7. Rise of the Huntress/ The Spook's Nightmare
8. Rage of the Fallen/ The Spook's Destiny
9. (N/A) / I am Grimalkin
This book isn't filled with horses and stables (sorry Maddie.) It's so much better! (Uh oh, Maddie's going to hurt me, because I dissed her obsession.) Actually horses are boss, (That was for you David.) and awesome but I am here to review a book filled with things you will never see. No matter how much you beg your parents and steal money from the bank, you will never see the contents of this book in real life (well, except for a movie but that doesn't count.......)
This series revolves around a young boy named Thomas J. Ward. (Obviously, he's the main character, in case you were wondering.) He is a seventh son of a seventh son. He is chosen to become the county's next Spook. His master, John Gregory is the present Spook, and he must train Tom. In each book, there is always a dark force that Tom and the Spook have to fight off. Sometimes they win, and sometimes they lose. (It's repetitive, but still very bloody. *cue maniacal laugh.*) There are so many twists and turns in this book, and something you don't expect always happens.
(Rating) (I'm so awesome, I know how to use symbols)
I would actually rate this book 4/5 because if anyone knows anything about me, its that I love a good horror. (I also think taxidermy is cool, but that's not what I'm getting at.) The only thing is that sometimes the plot gets a bit boring. ( I do get bored very easily, so it may just be me...) I recommend that you try this book, and hopefully you will not be disappointed. Fair warning, it's got blood and very descriptive fighting scenes. (Yay!!!) I'm pretty sure that people who don't like blood shouldn't read this. I don't think a very young kid could/should read this because they're going to get scared and they probably couldn't understand the wording either. (Unless they're a crazy, bloodthirsty genius, like me!)
I recommend this book to people who are almost teenagers, and above. It's also one of those books where you should read it in order, because it would be harder to understand if you don't. I'm sure there isn't anything inappropriate in this book, so it is school safe. (Unless you act out the fighting scenes in front if your teacher, but only a true idiot would do that.)
To be honest, the British titles are actually very boring. It's always The Spook's _____ . (Maybe that's why I always get bored.) Except for the last one, which is called I am Grimalkin. I think that the title 'The Wrath of the Bloodeye' sounds better than 'The Spook's Mistake.' (It's also more captivating. Look it up if you don't know what that means. I bet most of you are on an online dictionary right now.) It just sounds creepier, and the Bloodeye (monster) is actually a bit creepy.
The cover is a different story. The British covers are more ominous. (my opinion.) (I can tell you're going to need that dictionary, so keep it on a new tab, just in case.) I can't describe the cover to you, so scroll down and think about which one looks better...........
Hopefully you take my advice and check out these horrifyingly amazing books. I'll be waiting for the 10th book so I can review on that. So for now.......
Read these books to satisfy your hunger for a good scare. (Yes, I'm talking to you Amelia.) Wait, I'm talking to myself........
Anyways, bye for now,
- ♫ Amelia ♫ (Yep, it's my signature. Jealous?)
You're probably expecting Maddie, right? I'm not the best at reviews, but I'm going to give it a shot. This is an actual legit review like Maddie's! So I hope you enjoy this, and comment if you like it because it would really help!
Here's the review...!
This is an originally British series written by Joseph Delaney (The slightly scary guy above.)
books have 2 names. The Wardstone Chronicles are what British people
would call the series, and the Last Apprentice is what us
Canadians/Americans call it.
Here are the books listed in order from 1-9. The N.A. (North American) title is first, and the British title is second.
1. The Revenge of the Witch/The Spooks's Apprentice
2. The Curse of the Bane/The Spook's Curse
3. Night of the Soul-Stealer/The Spook's Secret
4. Attack of the Fiend/The Spook's Battle
5. Wrath of the Bloodeye/The Spook's Mistake
6. Clash of the Demons/The Spook's Sacrifice
7. Rise of the Huntress/ The Spook's Nightmare
8. Rage of the Fallen/ The Spook's Destiny
9. (N/A) / I am Grimalkin
This book isn't filled with horses and stables (sorry Maddie.) It's so much better! (Uh oh, Maddie's going to hurt me, because I dissed her obsession.) Actually horses are boss, (That was for you David.) and awesome but I am here to review a book filled with things you will never see. No matter how much you beg your parents and steal money from the bank, you will never see the contents of this book in real life (well, except for a movie but that doesn't count.......)
This series revolves around a young boy named Thomas J. Ward. (Obviously, he's the main character, in case you were wondering.) He is a seventh son of a seventh son. He is chosen to become the county's next Spook. His master, John Gregory is the present Spook, and he must train Tom. In each book, there is always a dark force that Tom and the Spook have to fight off. Sometimes they win, and sometimes they lose. (It's repetitive, but still very bloody. *cue maniacal laugh.*) There are so many twists and turns in this book, and something you don't expect always happens.
I would actually rate this book 4/5 because if anyone knows anything about me, its that I love a good horror. (I also think taxidermy is cool, but that's not what I'm getting at.) The only thing is that sometimes the plot gets a bit boring. ( I do get bored very easily, so it may just be me...) I recommend that you try this book, and hopefully you will not be disappointed. Fair warning, it's got blood and very descriptive fighting scenes. (Yay!!!) I'm pretty sure that people who don't like blood shouldn't read this. I don't think a very young kid could/should read this because they're going to get scared and they probably couldn't understand the wording either. (Unless they're a crazy, bloodthirsty genius, like me!)
I recommend this book to people who are almost teenagers, and above. It's also one of those books where you should read it in order, because it would be harder to understand if you don't. I'm sure there isn't anything inappropriate in this book, so it is school safe. (Unless you act out the fighting scenes in front if your teacher, but only a true idiot would do that.)
To be honest, the British titles are actually very boring. It's always The Spook's _____ . (Maybe that's why I always get bored.) Except for the last one, which is called I am Grimalkin. I think that the title 'The Wrath of the Bloodeye' sounds better than 'The Spook's Mistake.' (It's also more captivating. Look it up if you don't know what that means. I bet most of you are on an online dictionary right now.) It just sounds creepier, and the Bloodeye (monster) is actually a bit creepy.
The cover is a different story. The British covers are more ominous. (my opinion.) (I can tell you're going to need that dictionary, so keep it on a new tab, just in case.) I can't describe the cover to you, so scroll down and think about which one looks better...........
Hopefully you take my advice and check out these horrifyingly amazing books. I'll be waiting for the 10th book so I can review on that. So for now.......
Read these books to satisfy your hunger for a good scare. (Yes, I'm talking to you Amelia.) Wait, I'm talking to myself........
Anyways, bye for now,
- ♫ Amelia ♫ (Yep, it's my signature. Jealous?)
Sunday, April 22, 2012
The String Theory
Hiya People!! (It's Amelia)
You're probably expecting a review, but that's not what you're getting. As I said in Welcome To Bookaholics Ink, I'm more of a story writer and Maddie is the hardcore reviewer. I can do both, but I prefer to write stories.
I'm starting a short stories page where I'll put people's stories to showcase. The first short story is actually one of mine. It's called the String Theory.
For you awesome nerds who know what the string theory is, you're going to be disappointing. This story isn't about science. It's about horror, but I just thought the String Theory was an appropriate name.
Ok, without further ado, here's the story!
Note: Stryngz, is pronouced Strings
You're probably expecting a review, but that's not what you're getting. As I said in Welcome To Bookaholics Ink, I'm more of a story writer and Maddie is the hardcore reviewer. I can do both, but I prefer to write stories.
I'm starting a short stories page where I'll put people's stories to showcase. The first short story is actually one of mine. It's called the String Theory.
For you awesome nerds who know what the string theory is, you're going to be disappointing. This story isn't about science. It's about horror, but I just thought the String Theory was an appropriate name.
Ok, without further ado, here's the story!
Note: Stryngz, is pronouced Strings
The String Theory…
“This story’s got nothing to do with
It was a particularly happy day when
it happened. No one would suspect that something terrible could happen on that
day, even though it was Halloween. Everyone was so excited to be getting free
candy, and they didn’t think about the horrors that happened on Halloween,
right under their noses.
Hey, I’m Alyson and I’m being
dragged to a party, a party that ruined my life. That was the day I let my
friend go too far. People always told me to grow a backbone, but I didn’t
listen. Halloween was the night I had to suffer because I didn’t listen to
everyone else.
“It’s an emergency!” screamed my
best friend Terra. I sighed loudly. Terra was a big over reactor. Once she
called me up in the middle of the night crying because of a TV show that wasn’t
even sad.
“Fine! But if it isn’t important, I’ll kill you!” I said half
seriously. All I heard was a doubtful laugh, and the dial tone. Shrinking back
in my seat, I started to regret caving in. In the past, Terra’s antics have
gotten me into loads of trouble. I waited around for a while. Eventually, I
heard Terra’s frantic knock on the door.
“We’re going to the Stryngz’es
Halloween party!” She squealed happily, her red hair bouncing up and down. The
Stryngz family moved in a few weeks ago, and they were throwing a gigantic
Halloween bash. How Terra was able to get invitations still amazes me. I didn’t
have anything against the Stryngz’es, but there was something about their eyes
that scared me. They just looked so… artificial. “We need to get ready, now!”
“You’re kidding me, right? That was
your big emergency? Do you even
remember me saying that I hate Halloween?” I glared at her, but it failed. I
wasn’t the type of person to be mad at someone for long. Terra gave me her
infamous puppy-dog eyes, and I caved again. Her big green eyes worked magic. I
didn’t want to tell her that I was scared of the Stryngz family; she would just
laugh and call me paranoid.
“Great! Now, we need to get ready!
Come on, no excuses!” She said, faking her best motherly voice. It took 2
hours, 2 boring hours. Eventually we were ready to leave. I actually though
about running to my room and locking the door, but Terra would’ve caught me
All I could say was wow! The regular
happy Stryngz mansion was turned into a haunted house. It was even scarier than
usual. The décor was very ‘scary movie cliché.’ There were lights coming from
inside the house, but it just added to the scariness because the lights were flickering
between on, off, green, and red.
Terra noticed my uneasiness and
dragged me forward. We were greeted by an old butler. Upon closer inspection, I
noticed that the butler was made entirely out of wax. I leaned in closer and
something happened. The butler’s clear glass eyes turned red and he let out a
giant wail that shattered my ear drums. I jumped back a mile and noticed that
Terra was laughing at me.
“Ha ha, keep laughing. I’m pretty
sure if it was you who got scared, you’d be doing the same thing as me.” I
spoke in a shaky voice. I seemed really scared because I didn’t even recognize my
voice. I walked inside the Stryngz mansion without looking at the creepy
butler. I was probably paranoid, but his cold eyes were looking deep into my
The inside of the mansion was a
haunted house. Me and Terra were in a group with two other boys. “Hey,” we
greeted in a small voice. I was secretly hoping that the boys were wax, so they
could scare Terra.
To my dismay, they answered back in an
equally living voice. “I’m Jason Stryngz,” a tall boy with brown hair said.
There was something about him that seemed off, but I didn’t pry. Terra didn’t
seem to take the hint.
“So you’re throwing the party?” She
asked in a curious voice. Jason looked a bit embarrassed and his friend
laughed. It was some kind of inside joke.
“Um, yeah. My sister made me test the
haunted house, even though I know what’s going to appear. She kicked me out of
the party and forced me to go through the haunted house.” He laughed, shakily.
We started in the corridor and a few
things jumped out at me. The only thing that scared me a bit was the dead body.
I was walking ahead when a dead body splattered with blood hit me in the face.
It was so real and I almost screamed. Even through the dim walls Terra, Jason,
and his friend knew I was scared and they were laughing at me again.
We decided to make small talk with
each other so we wouldn’t be as scared. I learned that they were the same age
as me and Terra, 14. The funny thing was that they went to the same school as
us, but we didn’t even recognize or notice them. Something that was odd was my
last name. Jason asked for my last name and I told him, DiMarco. He looked
really uncomfortable for a minute, but quickly shook it off.
Eventually we found the path to the
actual party and were surprised to see a lot of people already there. I guess
we were just bad at mazes, but I had other suspicions. The actual party was
really cool and it wasn’t as scary, even though there were decorations.
I didn’t know how long I was at the
party but it didn’t seem like a long time. All I knew was, I started mingling
with other people and time just flew by. I was about to find Terra and leave. I
remembered that Terra went upstairs for some unknown reason.
I was about to go upstairs to look
for her, when someone grabbed me and pulled me back. “You’re not allowed to
leave,” a sinister voice threatened. I realized that the voice was Jason’s
friend. He dragged me to an empty room and hit me. The lights were fading, as I
blacked out.
I woke up in a very strange room. My
eyes hurt and I almost screamed when I lifted my eyes. There were thousands of
nooses hung from hooks on the ceiling. I didn’t know what kind of sick joke
this was but it really scared me. There were bloodied bodies that hung from
each noose and I could tell they were real. Mostly because the room smelled
like death and blood.
What scared me the most was that I
was one of the bodies being hung. My clothes were covered in dripping blood,
but it wasn’t mine. As far as I knew, I didn’t have any open wounds. The floor
was a river of blood, dripping from the flesh wounds of all the rotting
corpses. I also saw a few dismembered arms, legs, and heads swimming around in
the river.
One of the dead bodies beside me
moved, and I realized that the body wasn’t dead. The person looked like it was
once living but not anymore, like a zombie. It’s eyes were also missing. I felt
like I’d just walked into a bloody Mary murder. I finally understood why the
Stryngz family had strange eyes. I was
about to scream again. I recognized the body’s curly blood covered red hair. It
was Terra.
Her eyes had been punctured out and
her arms were reaching for me. I could tell she was begging for my help even
though she couldn’t see me. I didn’t know what to do. She was definitely dead. There
was a huge hole where her heart should’ve been and blood was pouring out.
There was something all bodies had in
common, dead or alive. Their mouths were all sewn into a smile, including mine.
That was part of the reason why I couldn’t scream for help. All the faces were
smiling in a way that said ‘join me.’
It was the end for me. I would have
to be forced to hang here for the rest of my life. The sickest part was that
the Stryngz family had left my eyes intact so I could witness the horror of the
other victims firsthand…
So that was it. I hope that it scared you because that was the entire point. I'm actually getting this story published. Our entire grade is creating books and we're getting them published, so that's pretty cool!
Bye and until next time,
- ♫ Amelia ♫
Monday, April 09, 2012
A Horse Of Her Own- by Annie Wedekind
"He...was never my horse", Jane began, and then her voice, and her heart, broke.
Jane Ryan has always dreamed of having her own horse-but as long as she gets to ride her favourite horse, Beau, at sunny acres farm, she's content. As summer begins, Jane receives heartbreaking news-she's losing Beau. Then her trainer asks her to help her with a newcomer to the barn, Lancelot, a chestnut warmblood. Lancelot is beautiful and talented, but he's also wild and dangerous. Jane must find faith in herself before she can have faith in Lancelot. And if she does, she just might get to ride in the end-of-summer competition-and maybe even end up with a horse of her own.
A Horse of Her Own, by Annie Wedekind. Yes, it is a horse book, in case you were wondering. If you know me, you probably just sighed, and if you don't know me, there are some people who would argue that you are a very lucky person. Now, back to the review. I chose this as my first review because I wanted to do something different, something you probably haven't read. Oh, and its my favourite book ever! (aren't italics fun?)
I like this book because there isn't any magic, or bloodshed. Its a real life book with real life characters. When I read this book for the first time, I admit, I did cry alittle. This book is really touching, and I love all the characters, because, once again, they are real. I could imagine Robin as a girl I talked to once, or even Jane as that girl in my gym class. My favourite character was Lily, because she was so cool and different, plus shes a awesome big sister to Jane. At first, I thought Jane would hate her sister. I mean, Lily's like that perfect big sister the little sister is always compared to, but instead, the sisters are friends, and Jane loves her sister. I loved the end, and it made me laugh, something else I loved about this book, one minute I would be crying, then I would be laughing, then crying again. Trust me, if you like horses, real life stories, or just have nothing better to do, pick up A Horse of Her Own.
*NOTE* I posted two covers, I own the larger one, but I just saw the other, and it is pretty nice too. What do you think?
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Twilight, By: Stephenie Meyer
Done by: Maddie, and
Hiya People!
It's Amelia here! I'm the co-writer of
Bookaholics Ink. I know I haven't posted in a long while, but here's my post on
Twilight now! (I'm just adding to Maddie's, and making it more entertaining.)
Me and Maddie have very different
opinions on the Twilight Saga, (mainly Twilight.) She's a lover (sort of?) and
I'm a hater. Before you start throwing your rotten tomatoes at me, hear me out.
I don't like Twilight and I like to make fun of it, but if you do like Twilight
I respect your preferences.
So what me and Maddie are doing here is a
Twilight argument. We did this on a website called KidBlog, too.
To start here's what I see as the cover
of Twilight and here's what Maddie sees...
What I see! When We look at the Twilight Book.. What
Maddie sees!
I know, disgusting right? This is why I
do not like Twilight. Do you see things from my POV yet? (*shudders*) You will
never like Twilight again after you finish reading this. Actually there is no
guarantee, but I do hope you dump that crappy book!
So before we start, I just have to say
the book is terrible, and there will be spoilers. I guess it could be terrible
for me because I'm not exactly a romantic, or a late teenager. I'd probably
rate the book less than 1 star, but I'm sure Maddie's opinion would be
different. If I'm not stupid, she gave it 6 stars.
Ok, now for the review argument....
About three things I was absolutely positive.
First, Edward was a vampire.
Second, there was a part of him, and I
didn't know how dominant that part may be-that thirsted for my blood.
And third, I was unconditionally and
irrevocably in love with him.
(Info before you read the review.)
-Maddie is a Twihard (ish)
-Amelia is a Hater
-Maddie's reviewing
-Amelia's adding her opinions
-Amelia refers to Stephenie Meyer, as
-We both read this book, even though
Amelia's a hater
-We both hope you enjoy our argument!
REVIEW (In the form of an argument.)
Maddie: I know a lot of people who
could kill me for saying this, but I liked this book.
Amelia: I'll get my chainsaw.
Maddie: The beginning was a bit slow
and I was frustrated with Bella. "Girl, you need a life".
Amelia: I know what you're saying, but
aren't we two nerds on computers, blogging about books?
Maddie: Fair enough, but back to my
point. I didn't really understand why Bella was so obsessed with Edward, and I
found myself embarrassed along with her.
Amelia: Finally, a point I actually
agree on with a twihard!
Maddie: My favorite part was when
Edward invites Bella to sit with him. I won't say anymore, because with my big
mouth I'll just give away the whole book.
Amelia: Remember the time I was
reading, the Power Of Six ( by: Pittacus Lore)? I let you borrow it, you read
just the ending, and spoiled it for me!
Maddie: The book definitely gets
better as it gets past the awkwardness, and I think that being a vampire would
be pretty cool, apart from the whole sparkling thing.
Amelia: You have to admit, the
sparkling thing is actually kinda creepy. I think vampire and werewolf stories
are getting repeated. What about the narwhals? Also, in the middle of the book,
something happens that is totally not awkward at all........
Maddie: I liked Bella best in this
book. In the others I found her too dependent on Edward, she focused her whole
life on him, really, he's not that special. (I'm ignoring that last comment)
Amelia: Another good point! You have to
admit, Edward is very possessive and slightly abusive. Why does no one remember
that he really old? (like 5 times Bella's age.) Isn't it creepy and gross to be
dating someone that old? Bella's not special either. She says she's ugly, but
all the boys follow her around! Another person that angers me is Lauren. Why
must all girls that play a part in the problem be blonde and mean? I've never
read a story where there's a girl that is blonde and kind. Meyer, will you
please explain your story?
Maddie: I felt bad for Charlie,
Bella's dad, because he was so, guy-ish. He really cared about Bella, but he
didn't really know how to show it, and Bella wasn't any help.
Amelia: It's unrealistic how much
Bella's dad doesn't care. You say he cared, but what kind of parent doesn't
know that their daughter is dating a boy right when it happens? Bella didn't
care either. She was always threatening him about leaving the house. If I were
Charlie, I would say good riddance, and Yay! As far as I know, Bella always
took her dad for granted, and he didn't know how to change that.
Maddie: Another thing I didn't get,
why did everyone liked Bella? She wasn't really, well, social. Wow, this
doesn't really sound like a book I liked, does it? It was good though, and I
liked hearing about the powers and fights.
Amelia: It's so weird how you
sound like you don't like it, but you do. I'm not scared to express my
feelings, I dislike twilight with a passion (hate). Back to your first point.
Bella was a bit cold to everyone who talked to her. She seemed like a
depressed, emo girl. Maybe that's why 'Emo'ward (Edward) likes her. I don't
believe in love in first sight, because you don't know the person. You're
judging them by their looks, not personality. The fights weren't that good
either. I actually wished that James had killed Bella (oops, spoiler!) and they
brought her back with something magical . At lest the plot would've been more
interesting. I have a lot of ideas about making Twilight better, but I'm not
Meyer so there's nothing I can do. Maddie, give me another point for me to
argue on......
Maddie: Okay, something I liked about
the book. Emmett. I thought Emmett was just ha-lair-i-ous. Also, I liked
Rosalie. She's all scary- revengey. (And yes, I know that is not a word. It's
still fun to write). But... I. Hate. Alice.
Amelia: I can honestly say that they
are good characters, but I think Rosalie is too self absorbed. I hate
Meyer for creating good characters, and then ignoring them and giving them such
little parts. I think Emmett is funny, but he never got to make many jokes in
the books, because Meyer didn't give him many speaking lines. Even Rosalie
barely spoke at all! I think Rosalie's a jerk, and the reason she hates Bella
is ridiculous. Alice is just like Edward, manipulative and abusive.
Maddie: Plus, have you seen the
Amelia : Yeah, worst experience of my
Maddie: Try watching them with no
sound and subtitles.
Amelia: I have a better idea. Read the
book out loud and at the end of every speaking line, say idiot. ( Ex. Bella: I
know what you are, idiot.)
Maddie: Our ideas will crack you up.
But, anything is awesome compared to those. Still, my favorite part was
(spoiler alert) when Bella, Alice and Jasper were on the run and everyone was
trying to bash Bella.
Amelia: Too bad it had to end happily.
Maddie: That scene with Bella and the
tracker dude whose name I don't remember was the best part of the book. But the
baseball scene was pretty good also.
Amelia: The tracker dude was creepy,
but nothing can compare to Voldemort! He looked like a mass murderer. The
baseball scene was kind of weird. Honestly, I find vampire baseball really
weird because imagine how Bella feels. Her tiny brain, can't process whats
going on, so she's bugging everyone to tell her who's winning. Hey Maddie?
Maddie: Yep?
Amelia: I figured out what the tracker
dude's name was. His name was-
Maddie: Oh yeah! His name was James,
the creepy stalker dude who everyone hates.
Amelia: Thank you for interrupting
me. I was going to tell our readers what his name was! Now I'll have to move on
to something else. Maddie, wanna join me in a painting class? The red paint is
made from human blood, and the yellow is from animal blood (twilight related
Maddie: Ha Ha Ha
Amelia: Hey Maddie, I'm tired.
Maddie: I think we're going to end it
there! Be sure to check out these books, and ignore Amelia's words of protest.
Amelia: No, don't waste your money!!!
I'm just kidding. Check these books out, if you like vampire romance books.
Even though I don't.......
Maddie: We've finally won Amelia to
the vampire side. We'll I'm going to say bye, before Amelia can say any more
Maddie & Amelia : Thanks for
reading, and be sure to leave a comment.
Maddie: Twilight is awesome!
Amelia: We never agreed to say that at
the end! Anyways, bye!
Amelia: (*whisper*) \Jingle bells,
Twilight Smells, Edward ran away, Jacob cries, Bella dies, Harry Potter all the
Well, I don't really know what to
say about that. I was feeling rather angry there. I know Maddie is more of a
lover so she said things that weren't really that mean.
Most people don't know, but a hobby of
mine is searching for anti-twilight things that are entertaining. Usually
they're not appropriate, but I'm almost a teen so I say 'screw it!'
I read anything from twilight blogs, to
Fanfictions (FF's). I'm going to post a few things that I like to watch and
read, with a bit of awesome info about it.
First up. Alex Day!
Alex is a semi-famous British person ;).
He even has his own Wikipedia page. I'm not going to put his life story here
because that's what Wikipedia is for. I'm just going to put a few things here.
He's part of a band called 'Chameleon Circuit.' Basically they make my new fave
kind of music, Trock. You probably don't know what that is so I'm going to
explain. There's a British sci-fi show called 'Doctor Who,' and Trock is music
based on episodes of that show. There's also something called Wrock (Wizard
Rock), it's basically Harry Potter themed music. I'm sorry, back to Alex Day...
He also has a youtube account called
'nerimon,' which is a digimon he made up when he was a kid. What he did was
read each chapter of Twilight and made videos about his thoughts. His videos
are 'Alex Reads Twilight Chapter __.' He did the entire first Twilight book,
but not more after that. Actually, it took him about a year to finish the book
and post all the chapters.He also gets a bit off topic in the beginning and end
of his videos, but it's still very good!
The videos he make aren't exactly
appropriate because he swears (but not every 5 seconds.) The first video is
right below..
Next up, Charlie McDonnell!
Charlie is actually friends with Alex. He
did a dare where he had to switch video blogs with Alex Day. So he did a
chapter of Twilight too! He did Chapter 16 so if you haven't read the book, you
might not understand this video. Charlie is also in the band 'Chameleon
Circuit,' with Alex Day (and he's British!) I don't remember if Charlie swears
though :(
I think that's about it for reading
twilight videos. I would actually post the Vampires Suck trailer, but you can
see that on your own, and it's nothing undiscovered. I'm going to jump from
videos to reading!
Next up, FanFictions!
I have to confess. I love reading
Twilight FanFictions. If the Fanfictions are good, I'm happy. If they're not,
it's new material for me to make fun of. Not all fanfics are appropriate (in
terms of swearing, content, and scariness.) As you people know, I don't like
Twilight because Bella has no backbone. There are Twilight fans and haters who
writes Stories where Bella becomes evil/an assassin and she hates the Cullens.
I also like ones where Bella is reckless, evil and uncaring/badass. I don't
remember which ones are classified YA, so you have to experiment. I'll also
post the synopsis for each one.
I'll also post my account which has the
stories I like. You'll see stories that have swearing ans s*x scenes. I'm not a
pervert. Usually I read a story and if I like it, I add it to my favorites list
before checking for those kinds of things. I also just ignore them and keep
reading after they're gone. Please don't call me a pervert because of it,
because I'm not! (Click the titles to get to the story. In green!)
So this story is basically one where
Bella is a human with superhuman abilities. She is taken from by the government
at a young age and trained to be an assassin. Eventually, she escapes and moves
to Forks to live with her father. She meets Edward and his family but she wants
nothing to do with him because of her past. I don't want to give away too much,
so I won't say more.
Before I start, I just have to say that
this is by far my favorite FanFiction where Bella grows a backbone. So
basically the beginning is set during New Moon. Bella gets turned (duh?) and
becomes a human drinker. She becomes evil, feral and slightly psychotic. She
also has her own army of vampires that have special gifts. They're not immortal
children because they're slightly older, and Aro (leader of all vamps) can't
kill them if he tried. So Bella learns that the Cullens have come back into her
life and she plots to destroy them. I really recommend this story whether
you're a twihard or a hater. I would know, Maddie likes this story and she's a
Despite the name, this story actually has
nothing to do with suicide. This is another 'Bella Grows a Backbone story.' So
Bella becomes a vamp and changes her name to Bella Suicide. She becomes a
famous singer because all vamps are perfect (ugh!) I know there's more I''m
missing, but I don't remember...
This is like a fantasy story. It's not
like the other ones, meaning Bella's not evil. Basically, Bella moves to Forks
and the truth is revealed she's not exactly normal. She has abilities over the
elements. There are so many things that happen, but I can't exactly say it all.
All I can say is that it's my favorite story that's a fantasy.
Well, this was a few FanFictions that i
like, but if you're curious for more, check out my account and look under
favorite stories.
My Account
Profile (booknerd2000) (You know you wanna look!) ;)
There's still more though....
After that, Dan Bergstein!
Dan Bergstein is a guy that blogs every
chapter of Twilight, similar to Alex Day but different. He writes instead of making
video blogs and he just does random things. It's a very funny blog. He's very
weird, ex. He wishes that the Wolves had jet packs (New Moon) and he calls
Eric, E-Rock. He does all 4 books so if you're ever bored there's something to
read. It's also entertaining because the top picture is drawn by himself.
Almost Finished, Friggin' Twilight!
Friggin Twilight is a parody of all 4
books combined into 1 trailer. It is also Jersey Shore styled, so if you hate
both Twilight and jersey Shore you might find it entertaining. I just have to
point out that there is a few choice words, but you can just beep it out (same
as Alex Day.)
So that's about it for the links. I have
so many more, but I don't want to post them. You people have no idea how much work
it takes to write this. don't fear though! If you enjoyed the links there's a
blog that is specially made for these kinds of things. Some of the things
aren't appropriate, but just skip those ones if you don't like it.
So that's about it. Please comment on
this, follow our blog and help us advertise. It would really mean a lot to
Maddie and Myself. It would also make posts come faster! So advertise on your Facebook,
Twitter, Tumblr and other social things that you can possibly have!
We have to say thanks again,
- Maddie and ♫
Amelia ♫
Everneath- By Brodi Ashton
Last spring, Nikki Beckett vanished, sucked into an underworld known as the Everneath, where immortals Feed on the emotions of despairing humans. Now she's returned- to her old life, her family, her friends- before being banished back to the underworld... this time forever.
She has six months before the Everneath comes to claim her, six months for good-byes she can't find the words for, six months to find redemption, if it exists.
Nikki longs to spend these months reconnecting with her boyfriend, Jack, the one person she loves more than anything. But there's a problem: Cole, the smoldering immortal who first enticed her to the Everneath, has followed Nikki to the mortal world. And he'll do whatever it takes to bring her back- this time as his queen.
As Nikki's time grows short and her relationships begin slipping from her grasp, she's forced to make the hardest decision of her life: find a way to cheat fate and remain on the Surface with Jack or return to the Everneath and become Cole's..
Let me start by writing that I absolutely loved this book. Everything, from the characters to the plot to the setting, was amazing. At first, I was like,I don't see the big fuss with jack" , he basically just ignored Nikki, and he didn't really seem worth it. I mean, a guy has to be pretty special to come back from hell for him. This is my only complaint (spoiler alert). I wish Nikki and jack had got together sooner, it seemed like wasted time to me. I hope for more love between Nikki and jack in the sequel. This book had me on the edge, I finished it in about an hour, maybe a bit less. Oh, I just thought of another reason why I liked this book. It was actually a retelling of the Greek myth hades and Persephone. Since I love Greek myths, I was half excited, half wary. Okay, make that 90% excited, 10% wary because there are so many of those out there, and sometimes its just a retelling, no originality. It really wasn't that obvious though, even though they mentioned the myths, the book was super original, it was great how Brodi Ashton makes up her own words, like everneath instead of hell. My favorite character was Nikki, because she was so strong, and she refused to give in, no matter what. I also liked Jack, because he never gave up on Nikki, and I thought his devotion toward Nikki was sweet, how he refused to believe she ran away, and he was always there for her, even when they were kids. A good bad guy is great, but Cole didn't really seem evil to me. I've read other reviews on everneath, and seen some people write about how evil he is, but i didn't really see him as the bad guy. Sure, he fed off Nikki, but he also really cared about her, in a odd and slightly scary way, that just added to the pure awesomeness of this book. Defiantly a great read, but I warn you, once you read it, you have a chance of going crazy waiting for the sequel!
Crossed- By Ally Condie
In search of a future that may not exist and faced with the decision of who to share it with, Cassia journeys to the Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky - taken by the Society to his certain death - only to find that he has escaped, leaving a series of clues in his wake.
Cassia's quest leads her to question much of what she holds dear, even as she finds glimmers of a different life across the border. But as Cassia nears resolve and certainty about her future with Ky, an invitation for rebellion, an unexpected betrayal, and a surprise visit from Xander - who may hold
the key to the uprising and, still, to Cassia's heart - change the game once again. Nothing is as expected on the edge of Society, where crosses and double crosses make the path more twisted than ever
Let me start by admitting I did NOT read the first book in this series, matched. It didn't seem that great, and I thought I had it all figured out. Her grandpa would die. She would have a match ceremony, she would see Ky and Xander's faces, and she would fall in love with both of them, blah, blah, blah. Here's the back cover for matched .
Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choices for her: what to read, what to watch, what to believe. So when Xander's face appears on-screen at her Matching ceremony, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is her ideal mate... until she sees Ky Markham's face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black.
The Society tells her it's a glitch, a rare malfunction, and that she should focus on the happy life she's destined to lead with Xander. But Cassia can't stop thinking about Ky, and as they slowly fall in love, Cassia begins to doubt the Society's infallibility and is faced with an impossible choice: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she's known and a path that no one else has dared to follow.
It just seemed like another twilight love triangle. but I heard a lot of praise about it, so I decided to try crossed, which seemed more appealing. It was a good book, that's for sure, and it wasn't too love triangle-ish. There were some good action scenes, and overall I should have loved it.
I found it really predictable. usually this is the kind of story I would have eaten up. Ally Condie did an awesome job of mixing action, suspense and love scenes, but I was just unimpressed. I definitely enjoyed it. Wow, even I'm confused. Let me break it down. I liked Crossed because it was well written, had a good plot, perfect characters, it was original, and had a good ending. That sounds like the perfect book. So, whats missing? Let me just continue this review while I try to figure it out. So the whole setting. Really cool. Can you imagine being controlled by the society? Being told what to do, how to act, how to FEEL? If you know me, you know I am awesome at listening!
That's it! i figured it out. The story was a bit 2 dimensional. There wasn't enough description. I'm trying to picture Cassia as I write. Is she tall, short? What color eyes does she have? What color hair? I do not know! I can't imagine cassia, and I can't picture her, nothing. I think that the most important part of a book. The characters have be real, and the story has to seem real. I can't picture the society, and I can't imagine being in the society, nothing. I honestly know nothing about Cassia, and even less about Xander. My favorite thing about books is how you can get lost in the book. For a few moments, I'm not Maddie, I'm Firestar, fighting Scourge (warriors), or any other book character. But for this book, I didn't feel it. Overall, I enjoyed the book, that for sure, it was a amazing book, Ally Condie writes so beautifully, but it just didn't pull me in. It might just be me. I definitely recommend this book, maybe I just need to read matched? You might like it, but it's not one of my faves.
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Mockingjay- By Suzzane Collins
Katniss Everdeen, girl on fire, has survived, even though her home has been destroyed. Gale has escaped. Katniss's family is safe. Peeta has been captured by the Capitol. District 13 really does exist. There are rebels. There are new leaders. A revolution is unfolding.
It is by design that Katniss was rescued from the arena in the cruel and haunting Quarter Quell, and it is by design that she has long been part of the revolution without knowing it. District 13 has come out of the shadows and is plotting to overthrow the Capitol. Everyone, it seems, has had a hand in the carefully laid plains - except Katniss.
The success of the rebellion hinges on Katniss's willingness to be a pawn, to accept responsibility for countless lives, and to change the course of the future of Panem. To do this, she must put aside her feelings of anger and distrust. She must become the rebels' Mockingjay - no matter what the personal cost
It is by design that Katniss was rescued from the arena in the cruel and haunting Quarter Quell, and it is by design that she has long been part of the revolution without knowing it. District 13 has come out of the shadows and is plotting to overthrow the Capitol. Everyone, it seems, has had a hand in the carefully laid plains - except Katniss.
The success of the rebellion hinges on Katniss's willingness to be a pawn, to accept responsibility for countless lives, and to change the course of the future of Panem. To do this, she must put aside her feelings of anger and distrust. She must become the rebels' Mockingjay - no matter what the personal cost
Can I start by writing I DIDN'T love this book? I have mixed feelings about it. It was... Disappointing. The end left me wanting more, but not in a good way.
I warn you, there will be spoilers, so you can't say I didn't tell you.
At the end of the book, there's a epilogue and honestly, when I want a book, I see if there's an epilogue. I think it says a lot about a book. This one did not. The end was so abrupt, and said nothing about the book. Katniss is definitely one of my favorite main characters because she cares about her family so much, but she's also this strong, awesome fighter. One of the other main characteristics I like about her is she's really, hmm, how to say this. Um, i guess she isn't really friendly. She doesn't trust, because of all she's been through, and she is okay being alone. The epilogue is that Katniss and Peeta get married and have kids. To just end the series like that, it's like, what? Katniss just gets married? Just like that? What about Gale? Oh yeah, he just moves away. That's it? Everyone has a happy ending? So I thought about it, read some other reviews. I also read some books people write about the Hunger Games. Some good titles are just, the Hunger Games, if you search that on chapters you'll get a few, as well as the Girl Who Was On Fire, where famous authors write what they think.
Anyway, I did some thinking (don't look so surprised) and I realized, sometimes, after all that's happened, after all that happens to Katniss, sometimes you just want a happy ending. you just want to read that the character is happy. I, for one, am a stickler for happy endings. And I admit, I watch the barbie movies with my sister. ( By the way, Barbie and a Mermaid Tale 2 is NOT as good as the first movie). I like to have the end settled, and to know what's going to happen in the fictional future. So, sure, the epilogue sucked, but maybe Suzanne Collins wants to say, even in this horrible future events there is some hope and happy endings.
So now I was all philosophical (yeah, I've read the dictionary), and now it's time for more of my complaints. When I read books, I like some romance. My favorite is a character like Katniss. I like watching the strong, awesome fighter, slowly fall in love. Another reason Katniss rocks is because she didn't get swept off her feet by a strong, handsome hero who saves the day, then she spends the rest of the book obsessing over him. ( yeah, I'm talking to you, BELLA). If Gale or Peeta tried that, she'd probably beat them up. And she did get her soft moments. But she never really admitted her feelings. Seriously, Peeta can't be the only one announcing his undying love all the time. THAT, would have this book perfect.
Moving on to the death of Prim. When I read that, my jaw might have hit the floor. I had to read it again, to be sure that's what it said. The Hunger Games are different than other YA (Young Adult) books, in the sense that they have no magic or sparkly immortals. It's set in real life, in the future. There's nothing in these books that couldn't happen. Suzanne Collins uses a lot of violence, but not too much. Suzanne Collins isn't afraid to kill of characters, or torture them. But when she killed Prim, that seemed like TOO much. It was unnecessary. The reason Katniss entered the games in the first place was because of Prim, she was always doing it for her family. Oh, look, your family's dead. Yay!
Last paragraph (maybe). The abduction of Peeta. This might have been my favorite part of the book. Peeta is awesome, of course, in books one and two. He loves Katniss, and he really wants to make a difference in the world. That's who he is. But in Mocking Jay, he's captured by the capital, tortured until he's convinced Katniss is evil and must be killed. He's not gentle, he kills more people, and says some things to Katniss I didn't think he could say. He makes Katniss reconsider her life. I was all ready, sure Peeta was going to get hit by a piano or something and become back to normal. But there were no pianos, no bricks, dynamite, nothing. He never goes back to normal. Instead, he learns to love Katniss again, but differently. He really sees her, and stops trying to protect her. He sees her faults, but he still sees the good in her. And THAT, in my opinion, is why he is the best in mocking jay. He becomes more real, he has a couple breakdowns, he gets really confused, but he works through it, and slowly gets better.
That's all I have to say about Mocking Jay. Defiantly a recommended read, a great end to a great series.
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