Saturday, March 31, 2012

Peel Skills Challenge

Maddie here. So, I was trying to decide what book to do my first post on. Then I thought, lets make it not book related at all. This won't happen alot, but this event is so cool, I had to share.
Wait for it... Peel Skills Challenge. Basicly its a school competition for grades 4-8. The events include lego robotics, lego mechanics, technology, construction, green energy, character animation, tv and video production, and health and saftey. I participated in robotics and I helped build the robot (who we named robert/robo dude), but unfortunaley I was unable to compete. It's held at Tomken Road Middle School, which is a really nice school. Miss Amelia competed in technology, which is really cool, but i recomend robotics. Lego robotics are extremely sexy.
Anyway, we won third! ;p Our school also won second in character anamation, as well as green energy, to name a few. The list goes on, trust me.
But who won, you may be wondering. Well, I'm about to tell you. The winning team was...
Erin Center Middle School! Now, before you get your death threats ready, let me say, they are super nice! Go good sportmanship!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Welcome to bookaholics Ink!

Hey, and welcome to Bookaholics Ink!

My names Maddie and I'm one of the two girls that run this blog. Amelia and I are both tweens, but we especially love YA novels. We're both new to the blogging world, but I am really excited to share my love of books with all of you. My favorite book is probably A Horse Of Her Own by Annie Wedekind, because I can combine reading and my other love, horses. I'm hoping that this blog will include reviews, of course, but also movie reviews and other fun stuff. Hope you enjoy the blog!


Hey, It's Amelia!

Some of you people would know me from Wattpad as WenWenNeo! I'm the other tween that runs this site! As Maddie said we love YA novels, but I have a special love for Horror. My favorite book has to be the Wardstone Chronicles! Maddie is like the blog designer and I'm the advertiser, so it's a team effort! Maddie is also the better reviewer. I'm more of a story writer. You can find my works under the Short Story section!

Please comment and follow our blog if you like us! It would really help us as writers and bloggers!

By The Way, Do you understand the blog title?

Ink as in (inc.) incorporated but like pen ink. It's just a pun.